Okay, so top left is Moonrise by Erin Hunter! It's the second book in the Warriors : The New Prophecy series and even though I've read it before, I'm trying to collect all of the books if I can so I bought it! Even though it's paperback and the first one (that I also own) is in hardback....which usually drives me insane, but since I have some sets in paperback and some sets in hardback, it doesn't bother me too much... Anyway, top right is Aunt Maria by Diana Wynne Jones. Honestly, I almost didn't even read the back of this book to see what it was about when I saw who wrote it..... Diana Wynne Jones is the author of the Howl's Moving Castle trilogy (which I love and am planning on reading the last one soon) and I automatically wanted the book just because of the author...XD To my knowledge, (and Goodreads), this book isn't part of a series.... The middle left book is The Fall of the Amazing Zalindas by Tracy Mack. By the looks of this book, part of it got wet at some point, but it seemed fine other than that and it sounded good, plus it was only fifty cents (awesome, right?!), so I figured why not! This book is the first book in the Sherlock Holmes and the Baker Street Irregulars series. :) The book on the right in the middle is The Wish by Gail Carson Levine. This was another book that I got mostly based on the author...(she wrote Ella Enchanted!) and I figured that if I liked Ella Enchanted, I would try out this one! This one is a stand alone too I believe... Okay, bottom left is Holes by Louis Bachar. I've been wanting to read this one ever since I found out the movie was based on a book...I really like the movie and I would really like to find out what the book's like! Apparently this book is the first book in the Holes series.....or duo....or whatever you call a set of only two books.....(slightly ashamed that I don't know what that's called...) I thought it was only the one book....XD And last but not least is The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo! This is the movie novelization, but I'm really curious, and again, only fifty cents, so I got it!
Well, that's it for today! Feel free to comment if you've read any of these books! I plan on doing a book update tomorrow! Plus, I really need to work on figuring out posts for my other blogs that I'm a part of.....
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