Hello!! Sorry I didn't post last weekend! I thought about it multiple times but couldn't bring myself to actually do it.... But since I have all these new books, I had to make a post and I didn't want to wait for this weekend unless I had to! So as the title states, I got sixteen new books this week! Seven on Sunday, and nine today! On Sunday, I went with my dad to Goodwill. When we walked in, we literally walked in two different directions (book section for me of course) while saying "see you in a bit"....XD Out of two isles full of books, I found seven books, which I can't decide is a good amount or pretty small for me! Anyways, I got books from the Mysteries of Sparrow Island series which is by multiple authors. I actually own four or five more of these but I haven't read them yet. They're in my book jar though! These are Guideposts books, so they're Christian mysteries. I'm currently reading a book from another Guideposts mystery series (Church Choir Mysteries) and I'm really enjoying it, so hopefully I'll like these too! The five books that I got this time were The Prodigal Parrot (#9) by Carolyn Greene, Night Song (#16) by Susan Plunkett, Echoes from the Past (#20) by Ellen Harris, Flight of the Raven (#2) by Ellen Harris, and Nesting Instincts (#6) which is also by Susan Plunkett. I'm pretty sure I don't have to read these in order, but I guess we'll see! The other two books I got on Sunday are Stormbreaker by Anthony Horrowitz which is the first book in the Alex Rider series and Happiness is a Choice for Teens by Paul D. Meier. I really hope to read Stormbreaker soon! I've always really liked anything to do with spies so hopefully I'll like this! I was also informed by my friend Shelby that there's a movie....I may just have to see if I can find a way to watch it....after I read the book of course!!
Okay the next bunch of books are books that I ordered off of the Usborne website so that my sister could get free books for my niece! They just came in today and I'm so excited to read them!!! The ones in the top row are Minna's Quest, No Turning Back, and Far From Home by K. M. Peyton! They're part of the Roman Pony Adventures series, and as far as I know there won't be any more, but who knows! The books in the bottom row Escape from Wolfhaven Castle, Wolves of the Witchwood, The Beast of Blackmoor Bog, The Drowned Kingdom, and Battle of the Heroes by Kate Forsyth. This is the entire set of the Impossible Quest series!

Last but not least is Dauntless (Book 1 of the Valiant Hearts series!) by Dina L. Sleiman! I've had this one on my To Read list on Goodreads for about a year and now I finally own it! I get the email newsletter from Dina L. Sleiman (which I completely forgot about...) and the one today said that Dauntless was free on the kindle store so I bought it!
Alright, that's all for this post, but hopefully I'll actually be motivated to post this weekend! I'm babysitting for the weekend starting Thursday so hopefully I'll have the time too! Bye!!
Book Update! - The Nervous Nephew (Church Choir Mysteries #3) by Nicola Furlong ~ Pg. 153/271 - A Hidden Enemy (Survivors #2) by Erin Hunter ~ Pg. 168/288 - School's Out - Forever (Maximum Ride #2) by James Patterson ~ Pg. 113/409
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