Hello again! It's time for my first book haul of the year! Thankfully, it is drastically smaller than last month's, but it's still a whopping 13 books. π Only half of them were from thrift stores this time, too... π But on to the books!
The Fall by Garth Nix - So, this author sounds really familiar to me, but I can't at all remember why... And obviously, I was too lazy to look and see what else he writes. π Maybe I'll figure it out by my next post. The Fall is the first book in The Seventh Tower series and it sounded pretty cool and was super cheap at my local thrift store (plus my dad was paying) so I bought it. π
The Society of Unrelenting Vigilance by Glenn Dakin - Let me just say, I had no idea this was the actual name until I went to add this book to my Goodreads. π The cover literally says nothing at all about "the society of unrelenting vigilance", just "Candle Man", which is actually the name of the series. π The actual title isn't revealed until you open the book to the title page where it is there before you written in a very pretty font. I'm actually pretty happy that that's the title because I like it a lot better than Candle Man. π At least the cover told me that it's book one. That's the important thing.
Flambards by K. M. Peyton - Honestly, the main reason I got this book was because... horses. π Horses are one of (if not my absolute) favorite animals and I love reading books about them, even though it makes me want one of my own even more... According to this cover, it's considered a classic? π€· I'd never heard of it until I found it at a thrift store, so... π
Swindle by Gordon Korman - This wasn't exactly a series that I planned on reading, but Gordon Korman is basically an auto-buy author for me. From what I can remember, I've loved absolutely every one of his books that I've read so even though I'm not sure about the storyline, I have very high expectations for this book. π
The Frog Princess by E. D. Baker - I've owned the second book in this series for years and when I was around 13 or 14, I got this one from the library. But for some (pretty stupid, now that I think about it) reason, I stopped reading it because of like, one sentence that the mother says in the very beginning of the book about romance or something... I was 13... I'm a homeschooled, kind of sheltered, Christian girl... I'm sure I'm capable of trying this again now. π
Caraval by Stephanie Garber - I am so excited for this book!! π I found it in the bargain section at Books a Million for like, 7 dollars (π±) and they had a "buy 2, get 1 free" sale going on their bargain books... So I was super excited. I bought this for my best friend last year and honestly, I almost kept it for myself. πNeedless to say, I was really happy when I found that they still had some copies. This is supposed to be a buddy read with two of my friends soon, so I can't wait to see how it is!
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte - This was the "free" part of "buy 2 get 1 free". π My parents got me this absolutely gorgeous Wuthering Heights coloring book for Christmas and I realized that I should probably actually read the book before I start coloring in it. What's bad is that I barely even know what this book is actually about... So I guess I'll find out when I read it. π
Once Again by Liz Braswell & Cameron Dokey - I saw this book at Walmart sometime last year and thought it sounded really cool, but I'm pretty cheap and stingy with my money unless something's a great deal, so I didn't get it. But BAM! had it as one of their bargain books so I finally got to grab it! I love fairytale retellings so I'm really excited for this one, and it's so pretty! π
The Fever Code by James Dashner - I have waited forever to get this book because I own the entire series in paperback... So I had to get this one in paperback too. π Two of my best friends and I are actually starting a buddy read of this tomorrow, so I'm excited to get back into this world! Confession: I haven't actually read all of the books yet... π But I already know the main parts of how it ends because at first I didn't plan on finishing the series, so I let my friend tell me... And now that the movies are all finished, I really want to binge the series this Summer!
Drums of Change by Janette Oke - Okay, I actually already own a copy of this book in another edition... My dad found it at a thrift store and bought it for me, not knowing that I already had it, and I just really love it and don't really want to give it away... But I also don't want to get rid of the other edition because it matches my set... So maybe I'll have two copies of this?? I already own two copies of A Gown of Spanish Lace... ππ€·
One Dark Throne by Kendare Blake - Did you know Walmart occasionally has signed copies?? Up until a couple of months ago, I didn't. And then I found this... A signed first edition... And even though I have yet to read the first book, I bought it anyway. I have a weakness for signed copies. π
The Book Jumper by Mechthild GlΓ€ser - Even though this book was full price at BAM!, I couldn't help but get it... It's just so pretty and I've been wanting to read it for a while... (P.S. I sincerely apologize for the way I probably butchered this name in my upcoming book haul video on my YouTube channel, but I honestly have no idea how you pronounce this...π)
The Reluctant Assassin by Eoin Colfer - And finally, a book that I actually completely forgot was on my TBR on Goodreads until I got home, but it was on sale for 5 dollars and it's about an assassin in the Victorian era, so I had to get it! π The Reluctant Assassin is the first book in the W.A.R.P. series and I'm super excited to read it!
Well, that's it for this post! If you see any books that you've read, are currently reading, or even want to read, let me know in the comments along with what books you bought this month!
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