Okay, so I can't believe I'm already doing a post for the books that I read in
December........It's so hard to believe that it's 2016 already!! Okay, so I read a total of nine books in December! That sounds really small, but I think it's a pretty good number for a month.....

So on the 9th I finished
The Isle of the Lost (Book 1 of the Descendants series) by Melissa De La Cruz! I borrowed this book from my friend Abby who loved it so much that she wanted to restart it immediately after she finished it and I have to say that I really felt the same way!!! I was not expecting to enjoy this book as much as I did but I loved it! I almost didn't want to give it back.....XD I can't wait for the next one to come out! In case you haven't already guessed, I gave this book 5/5 stars on Goodreads :)

On the 15th I finished
The Sword of Summer (Book 1 of the Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard trilogy) by Rick Riordan! I definitely was not disappointed by Annabeth's cousin!!! And I love the characters so much already even though it's only the first book! I can't believe that I have to wait until October (at least!) for The Hammer of Thor!! I also gave this one 5/5
stars on Goodreads!

On the 16th I finished
Escape From Mr. Lemoncello's Library by Chris Grabenstein! This was an e-book from my library! Okay, so either this book was
really short, or I just loved it so much that I read it in a day.....both are possible because I absolutely
loved this book!!! The characters mentioned so many books that I've read and it takes place in an amazing library so of course it held my attention!! I gave this one 5/5 stars too!

I actually finished three books on the 17th.......first, I finished up Cinder (Book 1 in The Lunar Chronicles) by Marissa Meyer for the second time....it had been over a year since I read it first and I wanted to reread it before I read Scarlet (book 2), which I unfortunately had to take back to the library before I could read it, but it's in my calendar as one of my 2016 reading challenge books! After Cinder, I read The Case of the Time-Capsule Bandit (Book 1 of the Randi Rhodes, Ninja Detective series) by Octavia Spencer! This one was another e-book from the e-book library! This book was surprisingly good and I was pleasantly surprised when I realized that the author is an actress from a movie that I love! (Insurgent!) The last book I read on the 17th was The Island of Dr. Libris by Chris Grabensein. Another e-book! I was expecting to love this one as much as I loved Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library, but I actually had a hard time even giving this one the amount of stars that I did.....I had a hard time getting into this one.....I gave all three of these books 4/5 stars!
On the 18th I finished In a Blink (Book 1 in The Never Girls series) by Kiki Thorpe. I saw this one on the e-book library and thought I'd give it a try, but I was definitely disappointed.....This book was really short and it wasn't very well written at all....I gave this one 3/5 stars and it takes a lot for me to give three stars.....

On the 24th (Christmas Eve!) I finished
The Arch of Avooblis (Book 1 in the Adventurers' Academy series) by Charles Streams. Once you get past the kinda weird title, this book was actually pretty good! A lot of people on Goodreads were saying that this was a lot like Harry Potter...and I definitely agree with them on some points such as there being different groups and the boys and girls being separated in towers by gender and what year they were in. However this book has characteristics that makes it differ from Harry Potter in many ways and I plan on reading the next one when I get the chance :) I gave this one 4/5 stars!
Finally, on the 29th, I finished The Angel Experiment (Book 1 in the Maximum Ride series) by James Patterson! This book was very good and is currently being loaned to my best friend Shelby (she calls me her book dealer...XD) and I plan on reading the second one soon! I love all of the kids, each for different reasons, and I can't wait to get more of them!!
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